当学生——尤其是女生——被给予无限制的机会去实践科学, Technology, Engineering, Art, 他们获得经验和信心,在传统上由男性主导的领域追求激情和职业.
Also commonly known and referred to as STEM, “A”和“Art”代表战略设计和理解美学的重要性,同时从事科学的实际应用, technology, engineering, or mathematics.
We integrate coding, making, design thinking, and engineering design across grade levels and subject areas. As students move through the grades, 他们会遇到更多开放式和学生驱动的项目,并有机会参加选修课和一系列的课外机会.
Academic Departments
At Castilleja, our Computer Science, Mathematics, 和科学系引导学生发展核心能力,为STEAM的课程表达以及在其他学科领域和追求的更深入的见解和突破奠定坚实的基础.
Castilleja的学生学习成为具有科学素养的公民和未来的科学家. Through innovative, inquiry-based pedagogy, open-ended labs and structured demonstrations, 他们对基本的科学原理有了扎实的理解,并学会像科学家一样思考. bbin体育官方网站课程的广度和深度吸引学生个人和小组,因为他们构建自己的学习和发展分析思维, problem solving, and deductive reasoning skills necessary to scientific inquiry.
中学生正在学习电路和编码,因为他们使用Makey Makey电路板和Scratch来实现他们的想法.
Students in Biotechnology & Bioethics class use paper, scissors, and tape to model the process of cloning the insulin gene into a plasmid.
Meet the Faculty
Computer Science and Engineering
By emphasizing creative and real-world applications, interdisciplinary connections, 迭代过程使计算机科学和工程能够影响世界的变化, bbin体育官方网站的学生掌握和塑造社会快速发展的技术景观. Through courses, interdisciplinary projects, and varied experiences in and out of the classroom, students develop conceptual understanding and modern technical skills. They cultivate a tolerance for ambiguity and complexity; patience, persistence, and creativity when facing difficult challenges; and the confidence, resourcefulness, and curiosity needed to undertake and solve open-ended problems.
Castilleja的计算机科学是创新的,协作的,跨学科的. 每个学生都通过综合项目和个性化的机会,通过选修课和联合课程接触编码和计算机科学.
Co-curricular opportunities such as Robotics and Gatorbotics, Casti Coders, and STEMx grant students drawn to the subject the freedom, flexibility, and capacity to dive deeper into CS.
With an emphasis on autonomy, difference-making, and global citizenship, Castilleja的计算机科学项目不仅仅是bbin体育官方网站21世纪的技能或在STEM领域创造性别平等——它是bbin体育官方网站赋予年轻女性权力,她们将引领更公平的道路, inclusive world.

Computer Science & 工程系主任安·格雷森(Ann Greyson)教授一个小组高中编程课.
Meet the Faculty
Nico Gallo
Faculty Member, Bourn Lab and Computer Science & Engineering and Robotics Advisor
Bridget Rigby
Director of the Bourn Idea Lab, Faculty Member, Computer Science & Engineering
Anita Seipp Gallery
The Anita Seipp Gallery is a light-filled 1,200 sq. ft. dedicated space that sponsors both professional and student exhibitions. 画廊一直是Castilleja社区聚集在一起欣赏艺术的空间, contemplate the role of the artist in the world, and reflect on the power of the creative process. 高级主题和高级艺术课的学生有专门的角落,他们可以在那里工作和展示他们的进步. At other times, bbin体育官方网站崭露头角的艺术家们聚集在画廊中央的一张大桌子周围,进行正式的评论,分享想法和调色板.
Artist in Residence
Castilleja's Artist-in-Residence Program (AIR) 是一个由学校创新投资基金资助的独特的艺术和教育项目吗. AIR在bbin体育官方网站为专业艺术家提供为期八周的津贴和工作室空间. By supporting diverse artists who work with a range of materials, Castilleja鼓励bbin体育官方网站的学生和社区以新的方式思考艺术和bbin体育官方网站生活的环境.
Artists speak to our middle and high school art classes, as well as adult groups, bbin体育官方网站在他们选择的媒体上工作的经验,以及他们在更大的社区背景下的工作. Additionally, they provide workshop sessions to our students. At the conclusion of the residency, 为期两周的展览将在学校画廊举行,展出艺术家在驻地期间创作的艺术品,其中可能包括Castilleja学生的作品,反映了他们的合作.
Under the ACE Center umbrella, 画廊领导组织的协调员和团队领导将协助策划, advertise, and promote the show. At the conclusion of the residency, 艺术家将为该计划的永久收藏贡献一件作品. This work will be used for teaching and display at the school.
Meet the Faculty
bbin体育官方网站的学生具备了利用数学力量的知识和思维习惯. bbin体育官方网站的课程强调对深刻的数学思想的理解和在鼓励探究的环境中发展关键的分析技能, engagement, and joy in mathematics.
差异化和支持性的课堂环境使学生能够承担风险, foster resilience, deepen understanding, 并促进成长心态,因为他们在数学技能方面发展熟练和自信. 学生通过接触新材料,坚持克服困惑和困难,在数学练习中取得进步. Teachers guide student inquiry through problems, discussions, readings, activities, direct instruction, projects, and collaborative work.
bbin体育官方网站六年级的学生在一年一度的六年级建筑项目中卷起袖子, where they build benches, flower planters, cubbies, little libraries, and more. 然后,他们的最终作品被分发到校园和教室里,供每个人欣赏. 这个跨学科项目是科学老师Sarah Barnum和数学老师Nick Jerrold合作的结果, who developed it as part of Castilleja's summer grant. Read more about the 6th Grade Building Project here.
在Rachel Tucker的统计学课上,高年级学生选择一个他们感兴趣的现实问题,并进行深入的统计分析. In small groups, they research what’s been said and measured about their topic, then use histograms, scatter plots, and significance testing to draw conclusions and explain their processes.